
First iPhone Blog Entry

My cousin brought me my iPhone and it is the coolest phone on earth. Am posting this blog entry using it on my house's wireless network. The phone is so smart; I could swear it has a life of its own!

min on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Regrets Are Important Not To Have

Not a particularly insightful statement; but yet simple and truthful. Everyone knows that they should not have regrets in life, but how many of us can achieve it or even claim to say that they try not to have regrets when they make decisions? Or maybe it is just me who is always caught in difficult decisions which creates regret.

It dawned upon me tonight that the greatest pain in life is neither death nor break-ups. Yes, the pain of losing a beloved through space and time or simply irreconcilable differences is a painful and dreadful situation. But I think the worst of all is the immense regret; regrets of wasted opportunities or decisions that could have
maybe changed the current situation (maybe a different outcome then would have led to a different now). Regrets of what could have been but will never be now. Regrets of taking things for granted and not realising that things are always changing and never constant. Regrets of chances when you had an opportunity to maybe set things right or salvage the situation but all is nought now.

Regrets are particularly painful because the human mind is centred on imagination. That was what made us survivors since we could think out of the box but that is also what hurts us the most. Regret is a vacuum which feeds upon itself and hurts when we imagine the countless what ifs and what if nots.

When you are caught in a difficult situation, remember to tell yourself "Sod it!" and follow your heart.

min on Friday, May 09, 2008