
Personal Web Pages

This is my 3rd week of work. I'm still trying to familarise myself with the workflow processes but thus far, think I'm still doing ok. My colleagues are very helpful and patient with me. So I'm glad for that. Work would have been painful if I had to face unpleasant colleagues 5 days a week.

The work which I'm doing at JPMorgan is quite different from what I expected; but then again, I might have expected too much. Or perhaps it's just the department which I'm working at. Perhaps when I know more about the workflow of my department, I'll find my work more exciting.

In the meantime, I spent some time playing around with my Lotus Notes buttons and accidentally discovered a button which brought me to JPMorgan's Personal Web Pages - a directory of all their staff and positions. I was shocked to see mine:

My Profile - Edited

A consultant?! My gosh. JPMorgan really does have a flair for titles. In reality, I'm just on a temporary contract with them for 6 months and they actually gave me the title of a consultant! But that aside, I thought it was kind of cool. Now, I can add that title on my resume.

But most importantly, I'm hoping very hard that my department will get their head count soon so that I will have a chance to be offered a permanent position...

min on Wednesday, July 06, 2005